with 上下文管理器

Library Example - re

erhuabushuo posted @ 2012年9月17日 19:54 in Python , 1709 阅读


#!/usr/bin/env python3
import re

pattern = "this"
text = "Does this text match the pattern?"

match = re.search(pattern, text)

s = match.start()
e = match.end()

print('Found "{0:s}"\nin "{1:s}"\nfrom {2:d} to {3:d} ("{4:s}")'.format(
     match.re.pattern, match.string, s, e, text[s:e]))



#!/usr/bin/env python3
import re

# Precompile the patterns
regexes = [ re.compile(p) 
            for p in ["this", "that"]

text = "Does this text match the pattern?"

print("Text: %r\n".format(text))

for regex in regexes:
    print("Seeking \"%s\" -> ".format(regex.pattern), end='')

    if regex.search(text):
        print("No Match")



#!/usr/bin/env python3
import re

text = "abbaaabbbaaaaa"
pattern = "ab"

for match in re.findall(pattern, text):
    print("Found \"{0}\"".format(match))

Found "ab"
Found "ab"


#!/usr/bin/env python3
import re

text = "abbaaabbbbaaaa"
pattern = "ab"

for match in re.finditer(pattern, text):
    s = match.start()
    e = match.end()
    print("Found \"{0}\" at {1:d}:{2:d}".format(text[s:e], s, e))

Found "ab" at 0:2
Found "ab" at 5:7


#!/usr/bin/env python3
import re

def test_patterns(text, patterns=[]):
    """Given source text and a list of patterns, look for
    matches for each pattern within the text and print
    then to stdout
    # Look for each pattern in the text and print the results
    for pattern, desc in patterns:
        print("Pattern {0!r} ({1})\n".format(pattern, desc))
        print("  {0!r}".format(text))
        for match in re.finditer(pattern, text):
            s = match.start()
            e = match.end()
            substr = text[s:e]
            n_backslashes = text[:s].count('\\')
            prefix = '.' * (s + n_backslashes)
            print("  {0}{1!r}".format(prefix, substr))

if __name__ == "__main__":
                  [('ab', "'a' followd by 'b'"),])

        [('ab*',      'a followed by zero or more b'),
         ('ab+',      'a followed by one or more b'),
         ('ab?',      'a followed by zero or one b'),
         ('ab(3)',    'a followed by three b'),
         ('ab(2, 3)', 'a folloed by two to three b')])

Pattern 'ab' ('a' followd by 'b')


Pattern 'ab*' (a followed by zero or more b)


Pattern 'ab+' (a followed by one or more b)


Pattern 'ab?' (a followed by zero or one b)


Pattern 'ab(3)' (a followed by three b)


Pattern 'ab(2, 3)' (a folloed by two to three b)





字符集(character set)是一组字符,包含可以与模式中相应位置匹配的所有字符,例如[ab]可以匹配a或b

            ("[ab]",    "either a or b"),
            ("a[ab]+",  "a followed by 1 or more a or b"),
            ("a[ab]+?", "a followed by 1 or more a or b, not greedy"),

Pattern '[ab]' (either a or b)


Pattern 'a[ab]+' (a followed by 1 or more a or b)


Pattern 'a[ab]+?' (a followed by 1 or more a or b, not greedy)


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