posted @ 2012年7月09日 15:31
in C
, 1023 阅读
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> struct Node *createnode(long value); struct Node *addnode(long value, struct Node *pNode); void listnodes(struct Node *pNode); void freenodes(struct Node *pNode); struct Node { long item; int count; struct Node *pLeft; struct Node *pRight; }; int main(void) { long newvalue = 0; struct Node *pRoot = NULL; char answer = 'n'; do { printf("Enter the node value: "); scanf(" %ld", &newvalue); if(pRoot == NULL) pRoot = createnode(newvalue); else addnode(newvalue, pRoot); printf("\nDo you want to enter another (y or n)?\n"); scanf(" %c", &answer); } while (tolower(answer) == 'y'); printf("The values in ascending sequence are:\n"); listnodes(pRoot); freenodes(pRoot); return 0; } struct Node *createnode(long value) { struct Node *pNode = (struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); pNode->item = value; pNode->count = 1; pNode->pLeft = pNode->pRight = NULL; return pNode; } struct Node *addnode(long value, struct Node *pNode) { if (pNode == NULL) return createnode(value); if (value == pNode->item) { ++pNode->count; return pNode; } if (value < pNode->item) { if (pNode->pLeft == NULL) { pNode->pLeft = createnode(value); return pNode->pLeft; } else return addnode(value, pNode->pLeft); } else { if (pNode->pRight == NULL) { pNode->pRight = createnode(value); return pNode->pRight; } else return addnode(value, pNode->pRight); } } void listnodes(struct Node *pNode) { if (pNode->pLeft != NULL) listnodes(pNode->pLeft); for (int i = 0; i < pNode->count; i++) printf("%10ld\n", pNode->item); if (pNode->pRight != NULL) listnodes(pNode->pRight); } void freenodes(struct Node *pNode) { if (pNode == NULL) return; if (pNode->pLeft != NULL) freenodes(pNode->pLeft); if (pNode->pRight != NULL) freenodes(pNode->pRight); free(pNode); }